We arrived in Waitomo yesterday and whilst some of the other guys went off to do their Black Water Rafting trips (the bus was leaving early this morning but we have an extra night), Rachel and I went for walk. It was a half hour walk through the bush and we saw some of the caves we went in today
We then did an hour's farm walk and I managed to get stung by a bee or wasp on my head!!!! I have never been stung before but in the last 2 months I have been stung twice. On the head and on the bum! Boo!
It was lovely until we came to a field full of huge cows who didn't look to happy that lots of human were walking through their field! We tried to find a way around but luckily another couple came and led the way!
They were not happy! |
We did manage to get home in one piece though and had a good nights sleep ready for our adventure today!
We went Black water rafting with the Legendary Black Water Rafting Company! We did a 5 hour trip called the Abyss. We were picked up and met our group and got suited and booted!
We then abseiled down a 35m hole in the ground to get the cave
Once down we did a flying fox under the glow worms which is like a zip line! We had a hot chocolate and flapjack to restore our strength before jumping into the river that runs along the bottom of the cave. We then floated along under thousands of glow worms. It was an amazing thing to see!!! And so romantic!
Looking Sexy |
After another pit stop we started to get deeper in there cave! We stumbled down the drunken stubble and took a swim in the nipple pool (you can decide why) and it got a bit more tricky with low hanging rocks and uneven ground! We saw a couple of eels!
After climbing up 2 waterfalls we reached the exit and saw daylight again!
And so it was back to head quarters to have a quick shower and to warm up with some soup and bagels!!!!
Such a good day and an experience I will never forget!!!!!
Ciao for Now